SQ Professional Milton Insulated Casserole Food Warmer White Colour 13.5L (9562)

SQ Professional Milton Insulated Casserole Food Warmer White Colour 13.5L (9562)

Ambiente Insulated Hot Pot Cream 1.6L (4227)

Ambiente Insulated Hot Pot Cream 1.6L (4227)

Availability: In stock

SQ Professional Milton Insulated Casserole Food Warmer White 1700L (9565)

Cooler/Food Warmer/Hot Pot/Milton/Matrix Insulated Casserole Food Warmer White 17L
The modern casseroles are double-walled, with a stainless-steel inner surface to keep food hot and fresh-tasting for hours. Featuring a smart dual-tone outer finish with attractive graphics, this insulated container is simple to use and elegantly designed to take centre stage at your dining table. Up to 6 hours hot and cold with no direct flame heating